by Vince and Jennifer Underwood | Nov 8, 2017 | Adoption, Co-Parenting, Custody, Death and Loss, Family
When someone learns that our oldest son is adopted, they will often respond by saying, “Wow, he is so lucky to have you guys!” We laugh to ourselves because we know nothing could be further from the truth. What they don’t know is that our oldest son has done much more...
by Vince and Jennifer Underwood | May 24, 2017 | Family, Marriage, Wives
Have you ever fought with your child about what to wear or what not to wear? As a parent, most of us have at some point, or another looked at our kids and said, “You’re not walking out the house with me in that!” Whether you have a teenager, adolescent or toddler,...
by Vince and Jennifer Underwood | Feb 21, 2017 | Husbands, Marriage, Wives
When we first get married, the thought of experiencing a time when we don’t want to love our spouse is unimaginable. It’s almost unacceptable to even consider that we will ever think those kinds of thoughts, or fall out of love with our spouse. Yet, everyone has had...
by Vince and Jennifer Underwood | Jan 16, 2017 | Husbands, Marriage, Wives
Would you ever consider putting “Praying for your ex” at the top of your 2017 new year’s resolution? If not, I would like to share with you Why Praying for your Ex in 2017 is a Great Idea! If I am honest, I know that I use to be appalled at the idea of...