by Brandi Moses | Jan 22, 2018 | Family, Marriage, New Year, Prayer, Stepmom, Wives
January always brings with it a flurry of resolutions, ranging from healthy eating habits and exercise goals, to personal and professional growth. Like me, I’m sure you can easily identify where you would like things to change – but the follow-through is a bit more...
by Willie and Rachel Scott | Jan 1, 2018 | Family, Family Traditions, Husbands, Marriage, Prayer, Wives
When you think of fasting what comes to mind? No Food! Limited Food! Jesus fasted and was tempted by the devil! This isn’t bible trivia but do you know why so many people in the Bible fasted? Well, for several years, we attended a church that always began the year off...
by Emily Jordan | Aug 30, 2017 | Divorce, Family, Marriage, Prayer, Stepmom, Wives
I love school supplies. During Back-to-School season, the stores are filled with stacks of new notebooks and boxes of colored pens. It makes me giddy like a first grader starting school! I am a pen and paper kind of girl. This is my season to shine! This season also...