by Kathryn Abercrombie-Rodnick | May 18, 2018 | (5) May, Blending, Family, Step Children, Stepmom
I have wanted to be a mom since before I can remember. Seriously. Mothering has been so ingrained in my DNA that I was always mothering someone, somewhere for as long as I can remember. When I met my husband, he had three children from his previous marriage, had...
by Brandi Moses | May 9, 2018 | Blending, Custody, Divorce, Family, Family Traditions, Husbands, Marriage, Step Children, StepDad, Stepmom, Wives
I’m not sure where I stand on the Mother’s Day holiday. Some years it passes by without incident or injury, while others I am surprised to find myself a hot mess the week of and the week after! I sat down to write this post with my head full of lofty ideas and...
by Kathryn Abercrombie-Rodnick | Apr 23, 2018 | (4) April, Blending, Custody, Divorce, Family, Step Children, Stepmom
In my teenage years and through college, I had a pretty clear vision for what my first home was going to be. I was imagining a small apartment or a little townhouse, something in a big bustling city with very little square footage. What I was not expecting was a 4...
by Kathryn Abercrombie-Rodnick | Apr 13, 2018 | (4) April, Blending, Custody, Divorce, Step Children, Stepmom
My first experience as a mom was when I became a step-mom! When I married my husband, I became a step-mother to three children. During that time in our lives, custody was a scary subject. Both sides of the divorce were still living in chaos, trying to pursue healing,...
by Brandi Moses | Apr 11, 2018 | (4) April, Co-Parenting, Custody, Divorce, Family, Husbands, Marriage, Ours Baby, Step Children, StepDad, Stepmom, Wives
When I first joined the family, my stepdaughter shared with me that she was “an accident.” As a believer, I am acutely aware that our words have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). I realized that she must have overheard an adult conversation, and it hurt...
by Heather Erwin | Apr 2, 2018 | Blending, Family, Husbands, Marriage, Step Children, Stepmom
What is love? No, I’m not referring to the song by Haddaway from the 90s. I’m talking about feelings we have for one another or towards something. Merriam-Webster defines love in multiple ways: (1) a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal...